You better watch out.
You better not cry.
When you see some spoilers.
I’m telling you why:
Because it’s so scudding awesome, you’ll rather gouge your eyes out than see some spoilers.
I’m kidding.
Not about its awesomeness but the eye-gouging part.
You don’t need to worry about spoilers, anyway. Book Larva has prepared a separate review of both a non-spoiler and a spoiler infested Full Review. In that case, our book buds who are still on the process of planning to read Skyward won’t enter the danger zone and those who'd already finished the book can freely share their thoughts about it. So, let’s go!

This book had hit me harder than a destructor blast.
I'd stayed up until five A. M. in the morning just because I can’t stop reading this one.
I’m telling you, these characters are living your long-buried childhood dreams of skimming the sky whether as a pilot or as a NASA astronaut or both. As well as your imaginations about aliens and hover cars and spaceship wars. The book was primarily narrated in Spensa’s point of view, the story’s main character. However, we get snippet chapters which are in Ironsides’ point of view, the story’s antagonist. If the book was a pie, Spensa will be the entirety of it while Ironsides gets a slice.

Now let’s talk about the characters in general. Thing is, I can’t stress out how much I loved the characters in this story. I’ll be honest, though. At first, I wasn’t hyped up about what’s happening to them. For short, I was bored. I don’t know if because of the characters or it’s just really how I am with every book’s introduction phases. I thought that some of the characters are too aggravating or aggressive or haughty or cocky. However, as I get to know the characters and the way that their true selves unfolded throughout the story progression, I came to love them. Isn’t that a good sign of quality writing, though? When you did expect some characters to be what and who you think they are, only to be proved wrong later in the story? or when you think you know what’s going to happen next but it turned out better than you expected?
These characters got a substance. The dialogues? They can be extremely funny with their witty retorts or be extremely somber and relatable at the same time. I'm going to drop two stars for this criteria.
One star for the rest of the characters combined and one for M-Bot alone. Ha!
I'll be discussing the characters more in my Full Review.

The words that were used in this book made my nose cry in red rivers. The author’s not a real pilot but he made sure he knows what he’s writing. I'd felt that. He did a really good job about the technicalities of flight and aviation terms, obviously, he’d got help and had done extensive research. I have no idea if some of the words are real aviation terms or if those are neologisms but whatever those are, it connected me more to the world that the author was trying to portray. I know it’s a made-up world but it felt real to me as I was reading it. Add another star for that.
If you haven’t flipped the pages yet, there are blueprint illustrations of different kinds of ships that you’ll encounter later in the book. As for my case, it helped a lot with the imagery whenever the adjectives became too overwhelming and my imagination can’t keep up. I'm giving out one star for the art, too.

Finally, the author’s world build-up was beyond seamless. I really liked the setting and how it somehow plays a part in the character build-up. So If you’re an avid fan of cyberpunk Sci-Fi set-up, go to the nearest bookstore now and grab this one because I think this one’s for you.
"I believe that human beings need humor during times of depression," M-Bot said.
Take M-Bot's word, escape reality for a while and live in this world. You know, we don’t wake up every day to futuristic flying ships battling alien species in the sky. Brandon Sanderson, get another star for that.
I can’t wait for Starsight to come out this November. If you haven’t read Skyward yet, I’m telling you, it’ll be worth the time.
Time has come for the verdict. Now close your eyes, listen to the stars because it whispers my rating: FIVE STARS.

There you go, claim the stars.
Title: Skyward
Series: Cytonic series
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Publish date: November 6, 2018
Page count: 528
Genre: Sci-Fi
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction (2018)